Gwede Mantashe Salary

Gwede Mantashe, a prominent figure in South African politics, is known for his role as the Secretary General of the African National Congress (ANC) and as the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy. One aspect that often piques people’s curiosity is Mantashe’s salary. In this article, we will delve into the details of his salary, shedding light on his earnings and the factors that may affect them.
Early Life and Political Career
Born on June 21, 1955, in Cala, a small town in the Eastern Cape, Mantashe has a humble background. He grew up in a township called Lower Cala, where he experienced the inequalities and struggles faced by many black South Africans during the apartheid era. This upbringing influenced his political beliefs and motivated him to fight for a just and equal society.

Mantashe joined the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in 1982 and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming its General Secretary in 1994. He played a significant role in the labor movement, fighting for the rights and improved working conditions of miners.
Entry into Politics
In addition to his involvement in the labor movement, Mantashe became increasingly active in politics. He joined the ANC and served in various leadership positions within the party. In 2007, he was elected as the ANC Secretary General, a position he still holds today. Mantashe has been instrumental in shaping the ANC’s policies and strategies, making him a key figure within the party.
Ministerial Position and Salary
In 2018, Mantashe was appointed as the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, a position he continues to hold. As a cabinet minister, he is entitled to a salary determined by the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act.
According to the Act, the salary of a cabinet minister is determined based on various factors, including the complexity of the portfolio, years of experience, and qualifications. As of 2021, the exact figures are as follows:
1. Basic Salary: The basic salary for a cabinet minister is set at R2,401,633 per annum. This amount forms the foundation of their overall earnings.
2. Housing Allowance: Cabinet ministers are provided with a housing allowance to assist with accommodation expenses. The allowance is determined based on the size of the minister’s family and ranges from R10,000 to R30,000 per month.
3. Travel Allowance: Ministers are also entitled to a travel allowance, which covers official business travel within South Africa and abroad. This allowance is intended to accommodate flights, accommodation, meals, and other related expenses.
4. Medical Aid: As public office bearers, cabinet ministers receive comprehensive medical aid benefits, ensuring access to quality healthcare.
It is important to note that these figures are subject to change periodically, as determined by government policies and economic conditions.
Additional Sources of Income
In addition to his ministerial salary, Mantashe may have additional sources of income, such as fees for speaking engagements, royalties from book sales, or directorship positions in private companies. However, the exact details of his additional earnings are not publicly disclosed, making it difficult to ascertain the full extent of his income.
Gwede Mantashe’s salary as a cabinet minister in South Africa is determined by the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act. With a basic salary of R2,401,633 per annum, housing and travel allowances, and comprehensive medical aid benefits, Mantashe is well compensated for his role. However, it is worth noting that additional sources of income may contribute to his overall earnings. As a prominent figure in politics, Mantashe’s salary serves as a reflection of the responsibilities and demands associated with his position.