What Does My NSFAS Bursary Cover?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) plays a vital role in enabling access to higher education for students in South Africa who lack the financial means to pursue their studies.
The main objective of NSFAS is to assist South Africa in addressing crucial socioeconomic challenges outlined in the National Development Plan (NDP). Specifically, the plan emphasizes the importance of developing skills as a key factor in driving economic success and reducing the economic disparities stemming from historical inequalities.
Key essentials that are covered by an NSFAS bursary

The key essentials that are covered by an NSFAS bursary, empowering students with the necessary knowledge to make the most of this financial assistance include:
NSFAS Bursary Tuition Fees
NSFAS covers a significant portion, if not all, of a student’s tuition fees. This financial aid relieves the burden of paying for the educational costs directly, allowing students to focus on their studies without worrying about the financial aspect. It ensures that deserving students can access quality education irrespective of their financial background.
Every student who is granted approval for the NSFAS bursary will receive the full amount of funds mentioned earlier on an annual basis.
NSFAS Bursary Accommodation Services
NSFAS Bursary Transport Services
NSFAS Bursary Meal Allowance
Adequate nutrition is crucial for students to maintain their health and focus on their studies. NSFAS recognizes this need and offers a meal allowance as part of the bursary. This allowance helps students meet their daily nutritional requirements and alleviates the financial strain of purchasing meals. Students can use this allowance to buy groceries or dine at campus canteens, ensuring they have access to wholesome meals during their academic journey.
NSFAS Bursary Study Materials
NSFAS Personal Care Allowance
To cater to the various personal needs of students, NSFAS provides a personal care allowance. This allowance can be used to cover expenses such as toiletries, clothing, and transportation costs.
It acknowledges the additional expenses that students may incur throughout their academic journey and aims to ease the financial burden associated with these necessities.
NSFAS Bursary Allowance for Disabled Students
The NSFAS bursary recognizes the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and strives to provide the necessary support to promote equal access to higher education. NSFAS aims to create an inclusive educational environment that empowers all disabled students to reach their full potential.
Specialized student accommodation is arranged to cater to the specific needs of students with disabilities. This ensures a safe and conducive living environment that promotes independence and accessibility.
Students with disabilities may require additional transportation support to travel to and from their educational institution. NSFAS covers the necessary transport costs, allowing them to attend classes and participate in campus activities without any hindrances.
The bursary covers meal allowances for students with disabilities, ensuring they have access to adequate nutrition during their academic pursuits. This allowance helps alleviate any financial burden associated with meal expenses.
Access to educational resources is vital for all students, including those with disabilities. NSFAS provides book allowances to cover the cost of textbooks and other learning materials, enabling these students to fully engage in their studies.
Students with disabilities often require assistive devices to aid their mobility, communication, or learning. NSFAS covers the cost of essential assistive devices such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, adapted laptops, and other specialized equipment, ensuring that these students have the necessary tools to succeed academically.
Some students with disabilities may require the assistance of carers or tutors to support their educational journey. NSFAS offers support by covering the costs associated with these professionals, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to fully engage in their studies.
NSFAS Bursary Allowance Eligibility
To maintain eligibility for funding from NSFAS, there are specific requirements that students must meet. As of the current date, the following requirements must be fulfilled to remain funded:
Students must adhere to all the academic requirements established by their respective educational institutions. This entails complying with rules and regulations regarding course enrollment, progression, and completion.
Active participation in the academic timetable is essential. Students are expected to attend lectures, tutorials, and academic support programs. By immersing themselves in the academic environment, they can maximize their learning potential and contribute to their educational growth.
Students must complete all assigned tasks and assignments within the specified deadlines set by their educational institution. This demonstrates a commitment to academic responsibilities and ensures the timely progression of their studies.
Contact NSFAS Bursary
The NSFAS bursary is designed to provide comprehensive financial support to students in need, enabling them to pursue their higher education dreams.
For specific inquiries related to the SU NSFAS team, please email [email protected], ensuring to include your SU# and the policy clause number in the subject line. This will enable the team to address your query promptly and efficiently.